Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Week - Part 2

August 15th started like any other working Saturday (I'm a nurse so this happens fairly regularly). Around 8am, I started spotting. I had been told many times "Don't worry about spotting. It's normal." So I forced myself to keep going with caring for others while my heart was trying not to freak out. I thought I was in the clear because it didn't happen again until about 6pm.  The last hour and a half of my shift, I began cramping and I knew enough to be worried. I let Nate know to be praying and tried calling my mom twice. She didn't answer. So I spent my 8 minute drive home in sobs, just me and God.  I remember at a specific intersection out loud saying "God please don't let me lose my baby!!! ... But if not, You are still good."  Nate was not supposed to be home that night but his plans had fallen through.  So when I walked through the door and fell to my knees, he was right there with his arms around me.  I eventually was able to breathe again and get down a little bit of dinner. I told him I would call the doctor in the morning if I continued spotting or if the bleeding got heavy.  I fell asleep on the couch and before heading to bed about 10pm the second became reality.  My doctor was not working the weekend, but out of the nine physicians in the office, the one who was on-call happened to be the only other one who knew me personally.  The voice that answered my call was a person who cared about me more than just a patient. He told me to head to the ER.

So Nate drove me to my hospital.  Two of the nurses who cared for me had previously worked on my floor, more people with familiar faces and a personal care. The PA assigned to me was actually a friend of mine from college. We studied all our pre-requisite sciences together so I knew he knew his stuff. I was glad I was in the ER during a scary moment with a low blood pressure and severe cramping.  Nate had his hand on me every moment and the ER staff were efficient and caring.  Finally, the doctor came in with my ultrasound results.

There was no longer any sign of pregnancy. As soon as he walked out, the flood of tears came.  What just happened?! Our baby! Our dream! I couldn't process anything but the fact that my baby was gone. Sometime during the last few hours, my baby had left me.

We got home about 4am and slept heavy (probably a combo of trauma and morphine).  The next day is kind of a blur.  I couldn't function. I could hardly pick up my phone. Only our parents knew we had been in the ER the night before and Nate took it upon himself to text each person who knew we were pregnant.  "Lift us up to the Lord today. We had a miscarriage late last night. Jana's not ready to see anyone but texts are good. Thankful for your support." Lift us up and support they did! Friends would write me but I felt like I was seriously incapacitated.  I was either watching a movie (Insurgent and Frozen) or in tears all day. It was THE hardest 24 hours of my life. I was grieving a precious life lost. I was grieving all my hopes and dreams about my baby and our future together.

What was it that got me through? How can I have joy during this trial? How can I feel blessed when my dreams just disappeared? I want to share with you the way God helped me answer each one of those.

God used my husband. Nate loved me so perfectly through it all, looking for anything he could do to care for me, emotionally or tangibly. As people offered "anything you need" he would think of ways for people to love us through.  He prayed with me in the ER and in my overwhelming tears.  He cried with me and allowed himself to sit in emotions he could have tucked away (being an internal processor) for my sake, because I needed it. He later bought me a remembrance ring, "simple and precious." He took me away to the beach the following weekend before I went back to work. I was so humbled by his Christ-like, sacrificial, and selfless love for me.  If you are a husband reading this and ever have to walk through this, please call him.

The sermon  the week before (video here) was on Acts 25 and posed the question "How do we remain faithful despite our circumstances?" Answer: God is faithful to fulfill His promises. I spent that week processing "What are the promises He will fulfill? Which ones are hard to trust? What are expectations I have that He hasn't promised?" The specific promises highlighted were His promises of peace (Philippians 4:6-7), victory over sin (1 John 1:9, 1 Cor. 10:13), provide for my needs (Matt. 6:31-33), and His presence (Hebrews 11:6). Do you see where this is going? God basically handed me a book (Bible) and said "Pay attention! You're going to need this." And don't we all?! His promises are truth. They may not look the way we think but He IS faithful to fulfill them and I'm going to tell you how He has in my story.

He promises that He is merciful always.

I don't know for sure but I take comfort in the idea that maybe He was merciful in saving my baby a lifetime of a torturous disease or who knows what.

He promises in Psalm 147:3 "You heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds." He not only cares about the hurts in my heart but He promises to heal and fill the empty hole.  He promises to "exchange my spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise" (Isaiah 61:3). Psalm 18 promises that He hears my cries. He is my rock, refuge, comfort. HE will rescue me. He is merciful. His way is perfect.

In Isaiah 43, although God is sending Israel out into exile with pain and suffering He tells them "But now, thus says the Lord your creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you O Israel"
Wow! Guys do you understand how badly I needed that?! He isn't going to let me drown or burn. I'm precious to Him. Wow!

While a friend was over for lunch later that week, she was sharing 1 Timothy 4:17 "but the Lord stood with me and strengthened me (not just for my sake) so the gospel will go out from me." He promises to stand with and strengthen me so I can glorify Him when I really feel like falling apart.

In my previous post, I shared I had been meditating on Psalm 139.  Not only does that passage praise God for creating but also knowing our days.  "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."  I found such peace in knowing God did not have one more day planned out for my child that didn't happen.  He didn't have some alternate plan with a gender reveal party, a delivery, or a college graduation that failed. He knew each day! My baby didn't miss out on something that was planned that didn't happen. HE KNEW!

Last Christmas I wrote out Isaiah 9:6 on a chalkboard and have it hanging in my hallway.  A few days after our loss, I looked at it and was amazed. These are all names of God that I experienced that week.

He is faithful to give us His presence. I had a friend text me John 14:25-27. God has given us the Holy Spirit THE Comforter to remind me of His faithfulness and bring peace.  He also faithfully brings His presence through people.  I truly believe He placed the on-call doctor, the nurses and the PA (who prayed with us that night) who I had personal relationships with to care for me as a way of telling me "I'm here with you. You are not alone." I can't tell you the comfort each of their faces brought me.

I could feel His presence as His children, The church, our family, our community showered His love on us when we had nothing to return. I was overwhelmed and humbled.  Do you ever wonder what to say or text someone when they are hurting or grieving? Well I wish my friends would give lessons. One of the things I was told that had the biggest impact on me was "I am crying with you." These people loved my baby too! I wasn't alone in my grief. They didn't just feel sad for me, they cared so much their hearts were broken.  People offered to just BE WITH me. My mom came and stayed with me when Nate went back to work.  My dear friends found babysitters so they could be available to just sit and listen.

I will never know the power of the humbling amount of prayers I received.  Sometimes prayer feels like "the least I can do." But it felt so tangible. To know that those who loved me were holding me up to the only One who could heal my heart. It was very encouraging receiving specific prayers.   "I am praying this for you today." For example, one friend was praying Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"

"Lord I lift up my Jana to you...and her heart and her sweet lil one that is with you Lord and we thank you for the things you give and you take away...We praise you because you are a good God even amidst the things that happen that leave us searching for you....We trust that you are all sovereign and all knowing and love us intimately and PERFECTLY! Please comfort her heart...Lord I ask for her to see and understand the peace from you that surpasses all our understandings...Lord thank you for your love, and I pray for your comfort in this time for Jana and Nate. We ask all this in your perfect name father, Amen"

Texts included scripture (most of which I mentioned above) and songs and pointed me to God's promises. They pointed me to things that were true.

People loved us practically too in so many unique ways. On day one, I received cookie dough and wine. We received meals for a week and I think someone dropped off coffee without fail (they know my addiction).  A friend brought me her entire chick flick collection just to make me smile. Those little ones that call us auntie and uncle made us cards.

My mom and sister came and we got our nails done.

Some friends came over for dinner and before leaving their 7 year-old daughter wrapped her arms around me and whispered "I'm sorry about your baby" and then gave me a second hug and said "That's for your baby." Oh how i want to imagine my baby in God's arms receiving that hug and so many my arms want to give.

When a wonderful friend dropped off a lovely orchid on my doorstep, God reminded me of Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time" and in Matthew 6 where Jesus talks about how He gives everything a flower needs for it to be beautiful.  He knows me intimately and was giving me EXACTLY what I needed to heal.

Music helped me process and meditate on God's promises in a different and powerful way.  A phrase from Great is Thy Faithfulness was such comfort, "Grace for today and a bright hope for tomorrow."  I felt like I was living that. I needed His grace to continue breathing. I would make it through today and with that, I had hope that tomorrow I would be a bit stronger, a hope that someday he would fill the emptiness I felt.  About a month later, we visited a dear friend who said after hearing of our loss we were so on his heart that he felt called to write a worship song.  The words special and incredible don't really do it justice. "While we wait we will praise, while we wait we will raise our hands to You. I believe in the One the Word calls good, the One who loves as a father should, whose plans far exceed my own."
Here is my comfort playlist:
  • Never Once// Matt Redman "Never once did we ever walk alone, Never once did You leave us on our own, You are faithful, God you are faithful"
  • Forever Reign// Hillsong "The riches of Your love will always be enough"
  • 1000 Reasons// Matt Redman "The sun comes up its a new day dawning, its time to sing your song again."
  • It is Well with My Soul
  • Great is Thy Faithfulness "Grace for today and a bright hope for tomorrow."
  • Take the World, But Give Me Jesus// Ascend the Hill
  • Hallelujah! What a Savior// Ascend the Hill "Man of sorrows, what a name, for the Son of God who came"
  • I Will Follow// Jon Guerra "In the good things and in the hardest part, I believe and I will follow you." 
  • Need You Now// Plumb "How many times have you heard me cry out "God please take this?" How many times have you given me strength to just keep breathing? Oh I need you now"
  • Lord, I Need You Now// Matt Maher "And when I cannot stand I'll fall on you"
  • Christ is Enough// Hillsong Worship
  • Sovereign Over Us// Aaron Keys
Verse 1 from Sovereign Over Us

Remember how on August 18 we were supposed to have an ultrasound and then post our announcement pictures?  Well, I was told to keep the appointment but now it was a follow-up ultrasound.  I had just 3 days earlier been filled with excitement to see my baby's form and movement but the ultrasound showed emptiness (a small blessing as I didn't need a D&C). Broken expectations broke my heart.

I went back to work one week later. I sent a mass text to everyone who had been praying for me that week because I was so scared.  I didn't have anything to give of myself to my patients.  How could I expect myself to function around groups of people?  Everyone wrote back with encouragements and promises that they were praying. Two that stood out were from co-workers. "I pray for His power to give you the energy to get up and care for others while giving you the love and care that you deserve in this time too. My hope is that your wonderful team on 3T (by divine appointment) will compensate and uplift you without even realizing the help they give."

As the days passed on, it became a little easier to smile and a little easier to think about other things. Life started to look more normal. I held a meeting for women's ministries at my home. I went to the grocery store and cleaned the house. But what surprised me was the guilt I was feeling in those moments.  You don't have to tell me I shouldn't feel guilty. I know. But I felt bad for having moments where I wasn't thinking about my baby, where I was joyful, where life was moving on.  I felt like I was forgetting my baby. Honestly, this part just took time.  

As I began to heal, I found a song "Psalm 13" by Nate Hale "I want to look life in the eye. I'm tired of falling down on my face. I'm throwing myself into Your loving arms and now it's time to celebrate Your rescue." The process was far from done but I was seeing evidences of my rescue. 

I now, 2 months later, find myself basically where I was a year ago. Fighting the temptation to yell "It isn't fair!" But in those moments, I choose to battle the thoughts with who I know God to be.  As cliche as it sounds, He truly does have what is best even if it hurts. I am wrestling with the same emotions of striving for contentment and longing for something I don't have.  The same songs make me cry at church.  Did the last six months really happen?

I continue to have really hard moments.  When a patient or stranger asks "Do you have kids?" my heart skips a beat.  Nate and I believe we ARE mom and dad. It is not a title that gets taken away. We have chosen to answer with "Yes I have one with Jesus." This is so hard guys. People are usually just making casual conversation and totally not ready for that answer but to say no to me feels like I am denying what is true.  The response is usually a solemn "I'm sorry" but I can tell them honestly with a smile that "It isn't a bad place to be." I have thrown a baby shower and had a dear friend tell me she is pregnant.  By God's grace, those moments have been filled with joy.  Yes, I have had to process them and its not 100% easy. But hooray they are getting babies!!! And those babies are going to be in my life to love. I have prayed for those little ones so fervently because of my loss.

So today, I can stand proudly and say "Because I chose to rest on God's promises, He is healing my heart. I trust Him with my past hurt, present steps and questions and future uncertainties. Praise God!"

Although it has been very therapeutic to write this blog post, that isn't the purpose behind it. I wrote this that you may see who God is and that He is faithful. I wrote this so you might be able to love someone who has lost their baby (or really anyone hurting) a little bit better. 

If you don't know how you would make it through a tragedy, if you don't know God who is able to heal and restore you., emotionally and physically and spiritually, if you don't have a church that walks through thick and thin with you, you're missing out. Because for me, that was all I had!


Monday, October 12, 2015

Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Week - Part 1

Pregnancy loss is something that a lot of people talk about even though it affects 1 in 4 pregnancies. 
I want to share with you my story. I want to share the story of my baby. 

In August 2013, Nate and I decided we wanted to be open to starting a family. He had finished school, we had paid off debt, we felt this was the right time.  After a few months of not NOT trying, my heart changed from panicked to longing for a baby.  After six months, my heart began to ache and cry out that God would provide the desires of our hearts.  The following year my prayers were "Jesus I want you to be enough" "How can I be content and long for something I don't have?" It was a year of learning that it is ok to grieve and hurt, but let God be my comfort and strength. It was a year of tears as I sang songs in church about being strengthened in waiting and God's control, desperately wanting my heart to be satisfied.  The year was full of joys as well, weddings and friends babies.

In January 2015, we had just moved into a house and neighborhood we just adored. I remember walking to church and telling Nate I was giddy happy and felt overwhelmingly blessed.  That morning, a dear friend shared that she was pregnant. I found myself struggling with contentment. And after a year of learning to be ok in grief, I decided my situation had not changed. I chose to continue to reflect on the blessings I had just been delighted and satisfied in an hour prior. Over the next few months, I studied Philippians, a book in the Bible that emphasizes, "It is not about me and my circumstance, it is about Jesus"  In April 2015, I realized my heart had changed. I was able to reflect on God's blessings each month (my 30th birthday party, our trip to Germany) when I was tempted to crumble. I had reached a place of true contentment.

One of my biggest joys during this time was being Auntie Jana.  I can't explain how my heart feels when one of my friend's little ones falls asleep in my arms or runs down the driveway to wrap their arms around my legs.  April 26, we heard a sermon about God's rescue mission. The speaker had adopted several kids and challenged us to consider a sacrificial lifestyle to promote the gospel and rescue people for the Kingdom.  We were encouraged that His instruction can sometimes be vague. That night as we ate dinner we talked about how we wanted to apply this. A little background, we had always said "plan B: if we can't get pregnant, then we will adopt." But something changed. We both claimed that night we felt God leading us to adopt.  I knew I had the heart to love a child with everything I had that was not mine biologically. We knew God has a heart for the orphan and has adopted us into His eternal family.  He has called His children to take up this cause and reflect Him to the world.  We knew pretty quick adoption was no longer our plan B.  We felt a new sense of hope being able to see a glimpse of a child in our future. We shared with some close friends to be praying with us as we explored agencies and next steps.  On Father's Day weekend, we told our families by giving our dads "Adopted for Life," a book we had been reading as we prepared our hearts for this new decision and adventure and calling.  We actually had someone say "its like you are revealing you're pregnant." Everyone was overjoyed at the thought of us pursuing a child through adoption and for that we were again so blessed.  

One week after telling our families *bum bum buuum* 
we found out we were pregnant. 

I'm sure I am not the only one to take a test twice but I really didn't believe it.  I was shaky and crying as I handed Nate the summer bucket list I had JUST made. It's so sloppy but I was in a hurry.

Some of his first responses after I pointed out the boxes were checked off were
"what? what? are you serious? WHAT? when did you find out? Do you want to take it again? We did it! How does this work? You mean I was a dad on Father's Day and you didn't tell me?"

We were on cloud 9! I went and got him a belated Father's Day gift (and even lied to my friends about who it was for) because I couldn't think of a better person to be my baby's dad.

If you know me at all, you won't be surprised that I couldn't wait to celebrate my baby with all the creativity I could muster up. 

We decided that we did not want to wait to begin telling people.  We wanted community next to us in celebration or if anything unexpected happened.  That is what they are there for.  So a week later we had our parents over for a "watch the US Women's Soccer World Cup BBQ."  When Nate prayed for our meal, he told my mom he made her something for her birthday and it was cooling off in the oven.  A the oven...with a sign that said "Bake @ 98.6 for 9 months"

We made them signs that said "The best parents get promoted to grandparents" and made them hide it away until we would give them permission to share.  I think it was near unbearable for the them not to spill the beans but they did a good job. 

I put the same amount of creativity into almost each person or group we told.
These are some of those special moments.

I was feeling great. No morning sickness, extreme fatigue, nothin! So when we went for our ultrasound I kept telling Nate "I need to see this is real." I had a true fear that they would do the ultrasound and say "actually you aren't pregnant." But with not further ado....
Baby Burton

I saw the heart fluttering on my 3mm child! Oh my journal was filled with praises to the Lord for giving me something I had begun to think I would never have. I meditated on Psalm 139 over and over thanking Him for making that heart beat and those cells replicate. In awe of a human life being designed within me. Only God! 

Everything I did I was thinking of my baby, like every mom. There were firsts like disneyland and races and fireworks that I celebrated.

We dreamed of "next year at this time"s. We began reorganizing. Nate started researching a family car. I started using anti-stretchmark cream and stressing about everything I ate.  I spent way too much time on pinterest looking at maternity outfits and cribs, planning a gender reveal party, and even looking at hospital bag lists.

One of the things I was most looking forward to during pregnancy was bump pictures.  My friend Stacy took me shopping to find a dress that would last and show my growing baby perfectly.  I found an app and had my photographer friend Bethany help me begin my weekly blog photos. 

I want to share with you my 10 week blog post
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God this tiny miracle the size of a prune is such an honor to be a part of. Even now I need your mommy grace as I am finding I stress about what I eat and how much I need to exercise.  Lord grow me into a mom who is wise and loves my child the way you love my child. May I find rest and peace knowing again that it is you who has created all things, including the little arms and legs on Baby Burton.

This week I pray for my baby's brain development. I pray that my baby will develop a healthy, intelligent brain. Lord, help me teach my baby to memorize Scriptures, and may my baby’s memory implant those on their heart forever. May my child be blessed with a healthy mind, to be used for Your glory.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Verse: Colossians 1:16-17 For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

How far along? (size) 10 weeks. Size of a prune
Total weight gain: 2lb on my scale; 4 on Dr. scale 
Stretch marks: nope, using the cream daily
Sleep: still no bueno, trying to squeeze in naps
Best moments this week: taking reveal pictures with Scott. Soon the world will know!
Missing anything? Soft cheeses
Anything making you sick or queasy? nope
Symptoms: just weight gain but I’ve been eating bad too
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off: on
Exercise: ran a couple times this week. Cut my distance in half.
Mood: stable, so many “other” things I’m thinking about that sometimes make me forget I’m pregnant
Looking forward to: ultrasound next Tuesday
Labor signs: ha!
Random: I’m slightly anemic despite prenatals having 183% of daily iron value. Its hard to get extra iron, protein, fiber, fruits, veggies, all under my calorie limit.

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I could not wait to share my baby with the whole world! God had given us one of the greatest gifts!
We had an ultrasound scheduled for August 18 and then planned to post these pictures.
(photo credit: Scott Burton)

Our hearts were so full. But everything got turned upside down August 15th.