Sunday, November 17, 2013

Welcome Lil' Critter

Two and a half years ago, my husband and I helped start a new campus for our church.  These people have become a family.  How wonderful it is to be able to throw a baby shower for Melody, celebrate her expanding family as well as our expanding church family. 

It was a "woodsy" theme.  This is very fitting for Melody, as their entire marriage has been one adventure after another.  She grew up in Colorado and Kyle in Alaska, so they love the outdoors and enjoy camping, hiking, etc.


We had guests write a note to Caleb in "Where the Wild Things Are?"

Prayer is so powerful! Each guest received a prayer card to put on their fridge.

We gave roasted pumpkin seeds as favors. 

Highly recommend having people address their own thank you envelopes. We used them for a raffle. 


Trudi Berding gave Melody and all of us some great and godly advice about being a mom using her cute props. 


We had the guests fill out the bingo cards.  I didn't get a picture but the prizes were water bottles filled with trail mix. 

Everybody loves Melody and Baby Caleb:


We had a soup and salad bar which was FABULOUS! Unfortunately our crisp fall day was in the upper 80s.  But luckily soup is ALWAYS good and we had some fantastic cooks!


We had apple cider in mason jars, wrapped with burlap and twine with the awesome striped straws. 


You may see a theme when you look through my different parties.  This was not my idea, but I was happy to help put it together. 

The Team:

One of the unwritten benefits of throwing a shower is getting to spend time with these wonderful ladies.  I by no means did this alone. Thank you to each person who added their special touch. 

I hope this helps you show someone some love!

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